
Additional Resources

Listed below are additional resources that can help community planners learn more about or implement nature-based solutions. Some of the resources contain information that is much more technical in nature than what’s featured on This list is by no means comprehensive or complete; if you have a recommendation for an addition to this page, please contact us at, and we’ll be glad to consider it.

  • Seattle Rain Garden Guide – Coalition website lead by The Nature Conservancy with various tools and resources.
  • Bridgeport Eco-Urban Assessment – Case study of eco-urban assessment modeling tool using Esri StoryMap to communicate results. (Scroll down in the left navigation bar to experience this website.)
  • Planting Healthy Air Report – A TNC publication reporting benefits of trees to urban communities and associated maps/results.
  • Habitat Network – Habitat Network is a citizen science project designed to cultivate a richer understanding of wildlife habitat, for both professional scientists and people concerned with their local environments.
  • Daylighting Streams: Breathing Life Into Urban Streams and Communities (PDF) – Produced by American Rivers, this report details strategies for daylighting rivers and streams, including selected case studies.
  • Jobs for the Future — Public demand has surged for “green” innovations that make cities more environmentally friendly and more pleasant places to live. JFF examined the workforce needed to keep up with demand for green infrastructure systems and found that projected employment growth provides valuable opportunities for low-income, low-skilled workers to earn competitive wages.
  • Field Guide to Conservation in Cities in North America — Produced by TNC and the Center for Whole Communities (CWC).
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